Reiter Garden Tour 5-29-22
The Reiter family garden, wedged between Stanyan Street, Woodland Avenue and the Sutro Forest, was once a commercial nursery run by Victor Reiter, Jr., one of the founders of the California Horticultural Society and San Francisco‘s most famous grower, hybridizer and collector of plants and trees. The garden is still in the family’s hands, with two of Reiter’s children still residing on the west side of Stanyan Street. Charlie Reiter and his wife Karen generously opened the garden to members of the California Horticultural Society on Sunday, May 29 - it was my first time in the garden, although I’ve peered over the adjoining fences may times!
fan aloes, agaves and California poppies
Echium pininana (giant bugloss)
Metrosideros robusta (northern rata) from New Zealand; I think this one is the largest of the species in San Francisco
Metrosideros excelsa ‘Aurea’ (yellow-blooming New Zealand Christmas tree) with one of the longer aerial roots I’ve seen!
Pachystegia insignis (Marlborough Rock Daisy) from New Zealand